How do you add the custom column “Product Type” in WooCommerce product list table like above image? I am adding this column because I can easily identify the product type from product listing page. Here is the simple PHP snippet for it. You will add the code into the functions.php file of your active theme.
Adds Brand Name Below The Single Product Title
Sometimes we want to add the brand name on product name. This option is not available in WooCommerce plugin but you can achieve easily and administrators can easily control the option from their dashboard. In this tutorial I am sharing the step by step procedure and showing you how you will do this same things… Continue Reading
Change Quantity Input Field into Select Drop Down on Single Product Page
By default WooCommerce is adding a simple input field for product quantity where user can enter the number or click on the “+/-“ icon to increase/decrease the quantity. In this tutorial I am showing how you will change this input field into “Select” drop-down field. If you are enable the stock manger for your product, drop… Continue Reading
Embeds Video Popup on WooCommerce Single Product Page
How do you add a video popup link at below the product summary text on WooCommerce single product details page? You can embed the YouTube or Vimeo or any other videos via product add/edit screen page at Dashboard. In this tutorial I shall show how you’ll add it. What am I doing? Adding a video… Continue Reading
How to display ACF repeater content on single product page
I want to display some custom contents in accordion style on single product page below the short description. I used Advanced Custom Field Pro (ACF PRO) plugin’s repeater field for custom content. So user can easily add/edit these data from their product edit screen. What is Repeater Field? It is fully described here. Lets start the procedure… Continue Reading
Removing Product Category from WooCommerce Breadcrumb
If you do not use the generic woocommerce category page & would like to hide it from the breadcrumb so you will put the following PHP snippets into your active theme’s functions.php file.