Do you want to display content in Beaver Builder layout based on visitor country (code) location? Beaver Themer addon provides a lot of conditional options but such location-based targeting is not available by default. However, this can be implemented via Conditional Logic API. To implement this, we shall build conditional logic “User Country Code”. Preview:… Continue Reading
beaver themer
Shortcode to output ACF custom fields in Beaver Themer
Do you want to output ACF custom field value manually using a shortcode in a Beaver Builder layout? By default, modules in Beaver Builder allows you to connect to specific custom fields of your choice with simple click routines. However, for an even more custom approach, you can output custom field values manually using easy… Continue Reading
Connect Smart Slider 3 ACF field type with Beaver Themer layout
Want to display sliders created with Smart Slider 3 plugin in your Beaver Themer layout? You can easily make this connection with the power of custom fields created with ACF Pro plugin. Here is the quick procedure to get going. Create Custom Fields with ACF Pro Plugin First, we shall create a custom field of… Continue Reading
Add self updating current year in Beaver Themer Footer layout
We are in the new year, but one can still find a lot of websites displaying the previous year in the footer area next to the copyright disclaimer text. If you are building the footer layout template using Beaver Themer addon, then you can easily switch from manual year text to self-updating current year using… Continue Reading
Restrict the Editing Access of Certain Themer Layouts
Beaver Themer is an add-on of Beaver Page Builder plugin. This add-on lets you create layouts for archive pages, template an entire post type, 404 and search pages, and create parts like headers and footers. I create lot of themer layouts for my site. I want to restrict the editing access of only certain layouts… Continue Reading
Enabling Field Connection Option To The Id & Class Fields
How do you add field connection option to the Id and class fields under Advanced tab of any settings forms (module, row and column)? I am sharing the small PHP snippet which will enable the connection option. So you can put the custom field key there and control the value from the post,page,cpts add/edit screen or theme… Continue Reading