How do you convert the 2 columns blog page to 3 columns? Here is the simple procedure. You will edit the style.css file of your Essence Pro theme. Open the style.css file on editor and do the following changes: And
Adding Custom Column at WooCommerce Order List Table
I am running a membership site and wanting to add an new column at my order listing table (WordPress Dashboard). I shall show the member’s age at that column. Here is my steps for this functionality: Creating Custom Field I’m saving the Date of Birth of my customers as a custom field data. I’m using WordPress’s… Continue Reading
Creating 5 Columns Footer Widgets
First open the functions.php file on Theme editor ( Dashboard->Appearance->Editor) or download the file via FTP/File Manager and open it on Notepad+ or any PHP editor. In maximum themes you will get this line add_theme_support( ‘genesis-footer-widgets’, 3 ); Change the value 3 to 5. If your theme is not supporting the footer widgets then add… Continue Reading