Oxygen builder have an add-on for WooComerce plugin and you can create the custom shop, archive, single product etc pages quickly. But sometimes we are getting the complex challenge, and that time we need to edit the core templates files. WooCommerce have an option. You can easily override the templates file from your active theme’s… Continue Reading
Adds Custom Text after Product Price
Price value is printing on shop, category and single product page via get_price_html() function. get_price_html() is a method of WC_Product_Variable class. In this method have a filter “woocommerce_get_price_html”. You can customize the current price structure with this filter as per your requirement. In this tutorial I use this filter woocommerce_get_price_html and add the custom text… Continue Reading
Edits the Add To Cart text on Single Product Page
How do you customize the default “Add to cart” text on single product page? You can easily do it without editing the core file. There have a filter “woocommerce_product_single_add_to_cart_text” for single product’s add to cart text. Change The Add to cart Text Adds Price Value in Add to cart Button Where are you add the… Continue Reading
Disable The Completed Order Notification Email
Three ways you can disable the COMPLETED order status notification email on your WooCommerce shop. Method 1: Via WooCommerce Settings Page You can easily disable the option from WooCommerce Settings page. Login to your Dashboard Navigate to WooCommerce -> Settings page Click on Emails tab Click on the Manage button of Completed Order row Turn… Continue Reading
[Advanced Woo Search] Displays SOLD instead of Out Of Stock Status
Advanced Woo Search – powerful live search plugin for WooCommerce. Just start typing and you will immediately see the products that you search.Source: https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-woo-search/ One of the WooCommerce site I am using this plugin for product search. Client is maintaining the stock manager for his product. So client was wanting to replace the Out of Stock… Continue Reading
Removes Product Short Description Box from WooCommerce Product Edit Screen
One of the site I do not need the product short description meta box. Therefore I am completely removing this meta box from product add/edit screen. Here is the simple PHP snippets which I added to functions.php file of my theme.
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<?php //* Do not include this line /** * Removing the short description meta box */ function paulc_remove_product_short_description_box() { if ( current_user_can( 'edit_post' ) ) { remove_meta_box( 'postexcerpt', 'product', 'normal' ); } } add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'paulc_remove_product_short_description_box', 50 ); |
In WooCommerce product short description meta box registered by add_meta_boxes hook with priority… Continue Reading
Excluding Out of Stock Items from Product Lists
Removing The Cart Icon from Astra Header for Guest Users
I am using the free Astra theme and default Astra header layout. Also I am using the WooCommerce plugin for shop. I select the “WooCommerce” under Customizer->Layout->Header->Last Item in Menu drop down list. It is showing the bag icon at right side of my header menu. Now I am wanting to hide this icon for… Continue Reading
Skip Invoice for Cancelled & Failed Order in WooCommerce PDF Invoice Plugin
I am wanting to skip the invoice for my cancelled & failed order. I am using the WooCommerce PDF Invoice plugin. It is very simple and easy job. Plugin have a filter bewpi_skip_invoice_generation. So you can do it without editing the core plugin.
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function cpaul_skip_invoice_generation( $bool, $status, $order ) { /** * wc-failed slug is for Failed order * wc-cancelled slug is for Cancelled order */ if( $status == "wc-failed" || $status == 'wc-cancelled' ) return true; // true to skip return bool; } add_filter( 'bewpi_skip_invoice_generation', 'cpaul_skip_invoice_generation', 10, 3 ); |
Just drop the above code into your functions.php file or custom… Continue Reading