Product description is showing at below the product summary. In this tutorial I am showing how you will display it above the product summary section (see the screenshot) Here is the steps You will add all custom PHP codes in your theme’s functions.php file or any other place. It is totally depending on you. Unset… Continue Reading
Hiding Cart Menu Item When Cart is Empty
I had an interesting question from a user who wants to hide the cart item from the menu when cart is empty. This tutorial will only work if you are using the WooCommerce plugin. I added the simple PHP snippets into my functions.php file. Here is the code
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<?php //* do not include this line /** * Hiding the cart menu item when cart is empty * * @author Paul * @license GPL 2.0+ */ function paul_nav_menu_items( $items, $menu ) { //* get the cart page id $cart_page_id = get_option( 'woocommerce_cart_page_id' ); if( ! empty( $cart_page_id ) ) { foreach( $items as $key => $item ) { if( $item->object_id === $cart_page_id && WC()->cart->is_empty() ) { unset( $items[ $key ] ); //* removing the cart menu item from list } } } return $items; } add_filter( 'wp_get_nav_menu_items', 'paul_nav_menu_items', 10, 2 ); |
There have a filter wp_get_nav_menu_items which is… Continue Reading
Adding Custom Tabs in WooCommerce Product Details Page
In this tutorial I shall show you how you will add custom tabs with content on WooCommerce product details page. By default there have two tabs: Description & Reviews. I am wanting to add more tabs there. Here is the small PHP snippets for it.
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<?php //* Don't include this line /** * Displaying custom tab(s) on WooCommerce Product details page * * @author Paul * @license GPL2.0+ * @copyright 2018 */ function paul_cutsom_tabs( $arr ) { $tabs = array( 'my_tab_1' => array( 'callback' => 'callback_for_tab', 'title' => __( 'My Tab 1', 'themeprefix' ) ), 'my_tab_2' => array( 'callback' => 'callback_for_tab', 'title' => __( 'My Tab 2', 'themeprefix' ) ), ); return array_merge( $arr, $tabs ); } add_filter('woocommerce_product_tabs', 'paul_cutsom_tabs', 99 ); function callback_for_tab( $key, $tab ) { if( 'my_tab_1' === $key ) echo '<p>My content for Tab 1</p>'; if( 'my_tab_2' === $key ) echo '<p>My content for Tab 2</p>'; } |
WooCommerce plugin have a filter woocommerce_product_tabs. So you can easily… Continue Reading
Adding Custom Column at WooCommerce Order List Table
I am running a membership site and wanting to add an new column at my order listing table (WordPress Dashboard). I shall show the member’s age at that column. Here is my steps for this functionality: Creating Custom Field I’m saving the Date of Birth of my customers as a custom field data. I’m using WordPress’s… Continue Reading
Fixing PHP fatal error of WooCommerce Predictive Search Plugin
I updated the old version of WooCommerce Predictive Search Plugin with latest version and it produced the PHP fatal error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘.’, expecting ‘,’ or ‘;’ in /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-predictive-search/admin/admin-ui.php on line 37 I thought that Plugin’s files are not updated properly. So I downloaded the latest version from WordPress repository and uploaded the… Continue Reading