I create the gallery meta box with ACF gallery field and uploading the images to my pages. At frontend I shall want one random image from those gallery images. Here is the steps. PHP Snippet At first you would copy the following PHP code and paste into the Code Snippet plugin. Or you can use… Continue Reading
Override Core WooCommerce Template Files in Oxygen Builder
Oxygen builder have an add-on for WooComerce plugin and you can create the custom shop, archive, single product etc pages quickly. But sometimes we are getting the complex challenge, and that time we need to edit the core templates files. WooCommerce have an option. You can easily override the templates file from your active theme’s… Continue Reading
Creates Portfolio Custom Post Type in Beaver Builder Theme
How do you add a custom post type in your Beaver Builder theme without any plugin? I want to create a custom post type “portfolio” to showcase my work. I used the following PHP scripts in Beaver Builder Child theme. Register Custom Post Type “Portfolio” Open the class-fl-child-theme.php file from bb-theme-child/classes folder. Add the following… Continue Reading
[Astra Theme] Displaying the Availability Status Below the Product Title
PHP snippet for free version of Astra theme. Make sure that you are using the child theme of Astra theme. Now open the functions.php file of your child theme and drop the following PHP snippets at end of the file. PHP snippet for PRO version of Astra theme. Make sure that you are using the… Continue Reading
Add Custom Fields to WooCommerce Registration Form
In this tutorial I’ll show you how you will add the extra custom fields like first name, last name, phone number etc to your WooCommerce registration form. To begin, make sure that the WooCommerce registration form is enabled on the account login page. For this, go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Accounts & Privacy and check Enable… Continue Reading
Integrating Toggle Image Content into Elementor Accordion Widget
I add the toggle image content column at right side of the Elementor Accordion widget. Toggle image content means that image at right side will change when you will click on the Accordion title.
[Elementor Theme Builder]Displaying Category Description on Category Archive Page
As a SEO purpose it is a good idea. I am making the category archive page with Elementor theme builder. I shall display the category description below the category title. Here I am sharing my procedure. Adding The Short Description We shall add the short description to every category from Dashboard. Login to Dashboard Navigate… Continue Reading
Creating Tabs Layout With Beaver Builder Pro
Importing The BB Templates At first I am importing the demo content. Later you can edit the content with live data. Here is the procedure: Download this zip file and extract it on your machine. You will get two XML files. You will import them on your site. Login to Dashboard Navigate to Tools ->… Continue Reading
Automatically Adds Sub Categories as sub menu under Parent Category menu item
Assume you create Programming posts category and add it into your site menu bar. Later you are adding some sub categories like PHP, CSS, HTML, JQuery etc under Programming category. You do not need to add them manually from Menu page(Appearance -> Menus). These sub categories and any future sub category of Programming category will… Continue Reading