On single post details I shall add some custom information at entry meta bar. Site is using the Genesis Framework. So I am using the Advanced Custom Field plugin for custom data. For example, I shall display the website link and hash tag. Therefore I created two custom fields with ACF plugin for post type… Continue Reading
single post
Auto Load Next Single Post By Scrolling The Window
WHAT IS AUTO LOAD NEXT POST? It simply automatically loads the next post on your blog once the user has reached the bottom of the initial post the viewer is reading and repeats the process as the user reads your content until there are no more posts to load. Source: https://wordpress.org/plugins/auto-load-next-post/ In this tutorial I am… Continue Reading
Add the Ad at above and below the entry content
I am using Genesis Widget Areas Generator plugin. After activating this plugin you will get a new menu “Widget Generator” at left side panel. I am creating the two new widget areas for single post. One is “Before Entry Content”. Another one is “After Entry Content”. Now navigate to Appearance -> Widgets page and you… Continue Reading
Remove Sidebar from Blog Posts
We knew that we can remove the sidebar from blog post using Genesis Layout option. But if you have 1000+ posts and edit every single post one by one and change the layout then it will be very painful process for you. So I made a quick tweak for it. I did this programmatically. I… Continue Reading